Friday 10 June 2016

Summer (preventing heat-stroke)

 Bathing is extremely important  for budgies as well as other parrots to prevent heatstroke in summers ,mostly in areas near to the equator (South Asian countries) some of the steps to give bath to your pet birds are mentioned  below:

  • Place a bowl of water in the cage so that birds could bath naturally, make sure you wash it and change water regularly. 

  •  Take your bird near running tap so that he/she could take bath, but this method is very time consuming  as you have to gain the trust of bird and bird is some times scared of running water so it also consumes a lot of water too, but your bird is ready its really fun . 

  • One more method is to spray water on your birds with an ordinary spray bottle, this method is best as it never wastes water and the water particles are cold and  give rapid cooling effect .

NOTE: Make sure there is no standing water in the cage or near it for long periods for it may get stagnant  and may effect the birds.

Monday 5 October 2015

Checking the eggs....(incubated)

When one eggs in incubator he is curious about them,
But wants to confirm wheather the Eggs are fertile or not or the Embryo is live or dead..............this will help you to know it!

Monday 28 September 2015

Green is.......GOOD!!!!

Yes Green is good for parrots, the green keeps them healthy and they could have balanced diet, you can try a variety  of green veggies around  you such as:





Green beans,etc

    when feeding  green make sure you clean the cage regularly because the left overs could attract bacteria  and insects.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Determining the Gender of love birds.

The Gender of love birds(fisher) can be identified by tail the MALE birds have thinner tail,but the FEMALE birds has much thicker tail than the male ones, you can see in the given pictures.

Monday 31 August 2015

Cocktails Hatching to Leave nest (BRIEF)

Cocktails eggs take about 21 days to hatch.

After hatching  the chicks are fragile, have closed  eyes and no feathers on them.

It takes about 1&1/2 months (6-7weeks) till the chicks are fully covered  with feathers and start flapping  there wings for there first flight.

And by 9-10 week these chicks could be seen flying and feeding  themselves.

Thursday 20 August 2015

10 facts about budgies!!!!!!!

1: The original budgies were greeny-yellow in colour, and from this, other colours developed. The second colour was all-yellow, which was bred from a genetic mutation. The first blue budgie wasn’t seen until 1878!

2: Budgies can move and see out of each eye independently of the other one, which is known as having monocular vision.

3: A budgie can have up to 3,000 feathers in total across their whole body.

4: Budgies grind their beaks when they are happy and relaxed, similar to cats and purring!
The bones of budgies (and most other birds that are capable of flight) are hollow, and filled with air sacs rather than bone marrow.

5: Budgies have more vertebrae in their necks than humans do, allowing them to swivel their heads up to 180 degrees, or allow them to face backwards!

6: Budgies can only afford to lose between 10-12 drops of blood before their blood loss becomes fatal.

7: The skeleton of female budgies gains density during the breeding season, as she stockpiles calcium to support breeding. This can make the female budgie gain around 20% of her bodyweight during this time!

8: The shells of a budgie’s eggs are covered with pores, which allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to enter and exit the shell.

9: The patterns of light and the shortening and lengthening of the days tells the female budgie when it is breeding season. Artificial lighting can interfere with this.

10: In mammals such as humans, our lungs themselves expand and contract as we breathe, as air flows in and out. In budgies, the muscles of the chest cavity itself expands and contracts, to force air in and out.