Tuesday 18 August 2015

Facts about Cocktails

1:It's normally the male cockatiel that is the best at whistling and singing. They use their vocal skills to attract females in the wild so they are generally better at it.

2: A cockatiel won't like it if you approach them with your hand over it's head. It may feel threatened by this and make their displeasure known to you.

3: You might think that your cockatiel is a noisy so-and-so, they are actually quieter than most parrots. So when your cockatiel is excited and makes lots of noise, just think about how quiet it is compared to other birds!

4: Cockatiels need quite a lot of sleep. You'll need to make sure that your cockatiel gets 12-14 hours of snoozing every night - ideally in the dark and quiet.

5: Cockatiels are very sociable birds. They like attention, contact and to be kept busy.

6:The lifespan of an average cockatiel in captivity is around 15-25 years. If you are thinking about getting one as a pet, it's obviously a long term commitment.

7: The head crest of a cockatiel will change angle depending on it's mood! It's normally vertical when the cockatiel is excited or alarmed, and flat to it's head if it's angry.

8: Females are normally slightly more aggressive than male cockatiels. Mind you if you look after your cockatiel well you shouldn't see their angry side!

9: Cockatiels in the wild are native to Australia.

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